Announcement Title | Annual General Meeting |
Date & Time of Broadcast | 05-Apr-2024 19:26:28 |
Status | New |
Announcement Reference | SG240405MEETZATD |
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) | Gwee Chee Kiang |
Designation | Group Chief Executive Officer |
Financial Year End | 31/12/2023 |
Event Narrative
Narrative Type | Narrative Text |
Additional Text | Please refer to the attached Notice of Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) and Proxy Form. |
Event Dates
Meeting Date and Time | 23/04/2024 10:00:00 |
Response Deadline Date | 20/04/2024 10:00:00 |
Event Venue(s)
Venue(s) | Venue details |
Meeting Venue | The AGM will be convened and held at HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir Clubhouse, Thinking Space 3, Level 3, 900 Bedok North Rd, Singapore 479994. |
Eneco Energy Limited – Notice of AGM.pdf
Eneco Energy Limited – Proxy Form.pdf
(Total Size: 110 KB)